Playboy, We Hardly Knew Ye
Sunday, June 7, 2009

I could forgive the dripping misogyny, but this isn't even a little bit funny. And I don't mean that in the feminist, "You shouldn't laugh at dumb blonde jokes!" way. I mean, it's not funny like listening to your Great Uncle Fred do his Milton Berle impression isn't funny. Guy Cimbalo doesn't seem to realize that just saying "fuck" a lot is no longer comedy gold. Yet historical records indicate that it lost its shock value sometime around 1966--eighth grade graduation at the very latest.
My ex-boyfriend and I had a collection of vintage Playboys picked up at a garage sale, which we used to, yes, read for the articles. (The centerfolds had long since been scissored out, presumably by the chap who sold them to us.) Those were good articles, written by good writers, about interesting topics--Bill Cosby on race, William F. Buckley on religion and society, Gore Vidal on . . . Gore Vidal. Now we have Guy Cimbalo and his Frantabulous Late-Nite Borscht Belt Shockers.
Playboy, We Hardly Knew Ye
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Playboy, We Hardly Knew Ye
[Source: Duluth News]
Playboy, We Hardly Knew Ye
[Source: Boston News]
posted by 71353 @ 12:11 PM,
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